WhatsApp rolled out their Polls function late last year, so we might be a little late to the party on this. And we know that there are some great, dedicated team planning apps out there like TeamStats, Heja and Spond, as well as the FA's own Matchday app. However we also know lots of coaches still just use WhatsApp to communicate with their parents and sort out availability for training sessions, matches, and other events.
WhatsApp Polls are a simple addition that can potentially be a very useful tool for team planning, specifically trainings and match attendance. If you've not used WhatsApp Polls before, here are the steps you can follow to create your first WhatsApp poll:
- Open WhatsApp and go to the chat where you want to create the poll.
- Tap on the "Attachment" icon (paperclip icon on Android) and select "Poll".
- Enter the question you want to ask, for example, "Are you able to attend the training session on Monday?"
- Enter the different options for the poll. For example, "Yes, I can attend", "No, I can't attend", or "Maybe, I'm not sure yet".
- You can also set a deadline for responses by selecting the "Duration" option and choosing a time limit.
- Once you've entered all the information, tap on "Create" to send the poll to the chat.
Parents can then vote on the poll by selecting one of the options you provided. This will help to quickly and easily gather information about who will be able to attend a training session or match, which can be very helpful for planning purposes.
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Additionally, you can use WhatsApp polls to gather feedback from your team members about what training topics they are most interested in, what days and times work best for them for an additional training sessions, or social events, and other information that can help you to plan effectively. Just make sure to keep the polls focused and relevant to the needs of your team.
Does your team already use one of the dedicated apps for planning, or do you already use WhatsApp Polls? It would be great to hear your feedback and advice on what works, as well as what doesn't.
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